Thursday, January 21, 2010

To Be Honest, I Don't Know Who or What This Blog Is Avenging...

Well, if you're a very observant individual and take inventory of your surroundings, then you may have noticed the new title. Really, I don't know what sort of theme I'm going for here. If we go simply by the title, the blog centers around horror. It doesn't. I don't even know what I was getting at when I made the title, "Revenge of the Living Blog". Blob sort of sounded like Blog, so I went with the '50's B horror movie. If you came on here yesterday, you would've noticed (if you had your keen sense of observation then as well) that I drew a very, very, childish looking blob thing. With palm trees around it. It made complete sense at the time. So, really I'm trying to gather a sort of B movie horror theme. Why, I'm not sure. That's pretty much my reason for anything you ask me about my life.

"Mike, why do you like pancakes?"

"I'm not sure."

"Mike, why did you paint your toenails with sparkly blue nail polish over at Tabbatha's appartment that one time?"

"I'm not sure."

"Mike, why did you go to Webster University to get a degree in Creative Writing?"

"I'm not sure."

"Mike, why are you smashing your face in with a ball peen hammer?"

"Because my life is a sham...and I'm not entirely sure."

I really think we could end this post with that. I mean, what more needs to be said, other than that chest pain in my left pectoral has finally..."left". Haha, get it? Ah, such a wit Michael. Such a wit. Anyway, you can calm down. You can stop all of the fundrasing to save me. I think I'm going to do all right, and to prove it I'm going to raise a barn in my backyard.


"Ugh...I'm not sure."

And there's the start of my children's book, "I'm Not Sure". It's about little girl named Sage. Her entire life is devoted to one thing, and she's never really sure why. Nothing she does she is ever really sure of. And so on. That's all I got right now. Just made it up on the spot.

I'm done for today. Something lapped up my entire shallow puddle of creativity somewhere along the way. Sometime when I had my back turned. I don't remember turning my back on my creativity, but I am vulnerable to distraction. It's my only weakness. But sally forth readers. Tomorrow is a new day.


  1. I did see that ridiculous drawing. I thought maybe you made it in art class. Looked nice. But consider for a moment that to get any sort of theme going, you should rid of that 70's wallpaper thing on the sides. Get some real expression going. When I look at this page that makes me think I'm gonna be reading a recipe for Grandma Brah Brah's pancake secrets.
