Friday, January 1, 2010

Thrilling Times Ahead

Happy New Year to whoever is reading this (probably just me *depression*).

We made it. Most of us did. I can't account for every last human being. But I can account for myself. And I'm pretty sure I'm right here, right now, which is fantastic. Congrats Mike. We're all proud. We're also proud you made it to your 23rd birthday.

Really, this New Year is terrifying. I just finished college and now I'm out to hunt for work. It's a new decade. A whole new world is ahead and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. But I'm a genius, so I should get by alright.

That's right. Hire me. I'm a genius. I'll bring in the big bucks for your company.

You know what New Years Day is great for? Naps. I think this should be National Nap Day. Is there already such a thing? If its a whole day, and you nap the whole day, is that really a nap? A nap is rather short, a sleep is several more hours, but day would be a quasi-coma. Hmm. Either way, nobody does anything on New Years. Its just lazy day. So, a National Nap Day seems appropriate. Don't steal my idea. I want to be the one who has the claim to National Nap Day.

"Michael, as President of the United States, I award you with the Awesome Award. You're a stinkin' genius. Everyone loves Nap Day. I don't think there is a better a person in all the land."

"Why thanks Barry (That's what I call him, because we're buddies and he's cool with it). I mean, I might be one of the single greatest Americans of this generation"

"I know. You invented freakin' Nap Day. Who else is going to get his or herself together and think of something so incredibly awesome"

"Yep. Well, I'm going to go home and put this next to my Nobel Peace Prize. Still down for playing Mario Kart later?"

"Of course, of course"

Yep. That would be pretty sweet. But with New Years Day, people might forget about Nap Day, since it will always be overshadowed by New Years. Crap. Apparently I'm not as intelligent as I once presupposed.

Speaking of naps, I need one.

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