Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Things. Not So New Things. Heck, Let's Be Honest Here, Nothing's Really Changed.

Just spent roughly three hours looking for jobs in St. Louis filling out applications with tedious questionaires. Somebody should get back to me about SOMETHING...

Also the house phone rang about 7 times today. None of which were jobs which I've applied for the last few days. I let all of them go to the answering machine. These roofers and solicitors need to stop calling. I don't enjoy false hope, which is immediately burned alive (screaming) when they leave a useless (to me) message. Or just hang up once the robotic answering machine voice finishes it's speech.


In other news, I've added a new goal to the already long list of life goals I have for myself: I plan to marry a girl who is not native born to America. Sorry American women. I'm sure there are some nice Italian men out there. But those foreign women are going to have to wait. I've got some stuff to get out of the way (live outside of the country, tame bears, build log cabins, write four famous novels, compose the greatest rock album, start and lead name a few).

Other than that, nothing has really changed. I still live, breathe. I continue to read. Coffee is still a drug of choice, but I have yet to abandon tea.

Spring is here. That's for sure. I love summer, so seeing that nature is finally getting it together makes me feel not so dreary. Life isn't quite as bleak right now, and maybe there is hope for the future. Sun has been hanging out a lot too. His mother now allows him to stay outside and play after six o' clock. Happy times are ahead.

Also, in two weeks I will be traveling towards the west. My mother and I plan to visit her side of the family for a week at the start of April. I'm in rapture. I need to leave St. Louis, if only for a bit. Plus, I love Idaho. I may even plan to stay there and tell my mom to sell the return ticket. I'll let you know whatever happens. Maybe I'll update while I'm there. The mountains may give me a new breath of creativity.

Sorry if that was boring. Its just been so long since I last wrote on this thing.

Anyway, more to come.

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