Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Orphans, Cornbread Crackers, Odd Jobs, Coffee Pee...And Well, That's About It.

It has recently been brought to my attention that it's been nearly a month since the blog has been updated. My sincerest apologies. This blog tends to slip my mind, or at least lies in the dusty back part of my brain. It's pretty much the orphan child no one wanted. But I will love it again and hopefully nourish it back to health because, let's be honest, the blog has become rather lame.

Well, I realized a few days ago that the human race has officially invented everything. Late one night last week, I went into the cabinet to pick out a flavor of tea to brew. The cabinet is located in the lower part of the island in the kitchen and inside there is a shelf that rolls out (this is where the tea is located, along with the pasta and popcorn). Just below this shelf is where my parents store their chips, crackers and various cooking oils (oh, and some maple syrup). So before I pull out the shelf I noticed a box of crackers labeled, "Cornbread Crackers". Curious, I open the box, take out a cracker, and eat it. As I'm chewing I'm thinking, "Holy crap...they did it. Those madmen finally did it. This little cracker actually tastes like cornbread." I was in shock. Now, I'm not a cornbread fanatic, but to put the authentic taste of cornbread into a thin little cracker is quite the achievement. Humanity, I salute you. As well as Archer Farms. The men and women who make up your business should also do something about cancer. If you can put the sweet, buttery taste of cornbread into crackers, surely you can find a cure to a devastating disease.

Also, I made it back to St. Louis Missouri. Although somewhat disappointed I didn't decide to stay in Idaho Falls just a bit longer, it does feel kind of good to be back home. For one, the weather is above 55 degrees, which is fantastic if you're ready for summer to be here (and I am). I was rather terrified when I came back because when I had left everything was still budding, and then a week later when I returned everything was green and flowering. Made me feel like I was gone a lot longer than I actually was...

Still looking for a job, but I've had opportunities doing odd jobs, such as last week when I helped Kurt Selzle (a realtor from church) clean up a house he is planning to sell. Lots of cleaning grime coated windows. Cleaning dust from the basement. Scrubbing floors on hands and feet. But Kurt was kind enough to pay me $10 an hour. So from 12-10:30pm I worked with him. Earned $105 and since spent some of that money for books on Amazon. Everytime there's a little cash, it goes to books. I have a problem, and I would like to talk about it.

I still drink a lot of coffee. Three cups a day, except today, I had a pot of green tea. Other than that, coffee every day. I don't know how to stop it. I think there was even a day when my pee smelled like coffee. You know you have a problem then, even if it doesn't actually smell like coffee. Either you drink sooo much your pee ACTUALLY smells like coffee, or you've gone completely mad and believe that, yes, even your wee wee smells like coffee. I'd almost prefer the former...

I started to ride my bike a lot more. The weather has been great too. Not too hot to where I can not breathe, and not too cold. And the sun has decided to shine nearly everyday. Thanks sun. I appreciate it.

I should probably carry a notebook around to list ideas so I don't forget them before I get to the blog. That's why you've been reading boring, ridiculous stuff the past ten minutes. I had a lot of great things to talk about. LOTS of great things. Believe me. But I procrastinated, and have since forgotten any and all of what I wanted to say. I apologize. The next blog will be a doozy.



  1. The post is nice...but what I especially like about this is the labels, "coffee pee"..."cornbread crackers"

  2. For a second there, Mike Lee, I thought you were going to suggest the notion that if the makers of those cornbread crackers are fully capable of putting real cornbread flavor into a thin little chip, then surely they can put cornbread flavor into cancer.

    Boy was I wrong though. Your blog said nothing of the sort and so I am sorely disappointed, Mike Lee. SORELY
