Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Attack of the "Were-Nerd", and Something About a Velociraptor



Baawepoirufhasdjfnsdkjf fjapsdio nfasdkdop sdkfjapsdoifja kfjapsoidfj;alskdjajsdf.   Gpasdoifjasdckjasjdpfi!

See you guys next month/week/year!

"Whoa whoa whoa...wait a minute."

Who are you?

"Blogging commissioner."

Oh.  Wait, seriously?

"Yes.  And according to the laws of Blogger, this isn't a full sized, regulation post.  You keep this up, we'll shut you down, and wind up in blogger jail."

Alright, that's preposterous.  There's no such thing --

"--As blogger jail?  Of course there is. Don't be silly.  See these blogging cuffs?  And this blogging billy club?"

Those look like a normal pair of cuffs and a normal billy club.

"They are.  Except they take you to blogger jail."

Okay, okay.  Fine.  I'll do this post for real.  No cutting corners in an effort to save time.  But only because you're annoying, and not because I fear any sort of  "blogger jail".

Hello everyone!  Long time no post.  Again.  My fault as usual.  See, I'm terrible at proratizing.  Thus, I end up devoting my time to things that are not the blog or running or really anything of great consequence.  There's a reason for that, though.  There's a reason I've been reading the same book for over a month when I should have finished it weeks ago.  That reason, aside from the inclination that I may have always had ADD, is I've been spending  a lot more time playing video games.  It's been a long time since I've seriously played video games, and I'm at it again.  Losing myself in game fantasy land and, as a result, losing my time. 

See, I was pretty sure I got over video games.  I continued to own and every so often play my Super Nintendo.  Once every couple months I'll play the Playstation 2 my dad bought five years ago and gave up on playing.  But mostly, I spent my time in other things: Work, reading, running, hanging out with friends, etc.  I became an adult.  A balanced, human adult.

Incorrect.  Below the layers, I am, and will always be, a nerd (and/or child).  The time just has to be right to strike.  First, it started with me buying Half-Life 2 online for my laptop.  I haven't really played games on my laptop.  Given, a few hours will be lost to Plants vs. Zombies (I freakin' love that game).  Mostly, I wanted the laptop for internet, music, upload photos and videos, and maybe write.  Didn't care much if it was a gaming machine.  But ever since Half-Life 2, I've been losing hours of time.  Sometimes I forget what day it is.

Now, for Christmas, my parents decided we each get a little bit of money and buy ourselves something.  My father, a few pedals for his guitar and a pedal board.  My mother, one of the Rosetta Stone programs. Xbox 360 bundle including Fable III, Halo Reach, three months of Xbox Live free, and a $60 gift card for Gamestop (Which I've used to purchase Batman Arkham City).  Of the litenany of things I could have bought, I bought a new video game system.  I've already spent many hours running around as Batman.

So, to answer your question (the long way) of "Where has Michael been?": Being Batman.  And shooting aliends in Half-Life 2.

But, how can you blame me? The graphics look beautiful!  These new games are mind numbingly awesome!  And I remember when Nintendo 64 was cutting edge.  Now it just looks like a bunch of blocks.

Now, to bring you up to speed.  Quickly.

I turned 25 finally last Thursday.  Which reminds me...Aunt Pegge?  Thank you for the card.  I loved it.  And don't fret about it's tardiness.  I do believe that I am LONG overdue on a response to a letter.  If I could just simply sit my butt down and get to it.  Obviously, I'm distracted by less important things.  It is coming though.

Also, Chalice Press (you know, the place with the window?) has decided it's within their budget to keep me on for another six months as a temporary employee.  I'm still part time, but they've bumped up the pay a bit.  Great news to hear, and with that bit of news I decided I don't need Teavana.  I still won't be making much money at Chalice, but I decided Teavana is no longer a place I need to be.  It's like Azkaban there.  You wind up there, and you're kinda stuck there.  Or at least I felt stuck, and working retail in a mall is kinda soul sucking.  Especially this time of year.  Basically, I can no longer justify being there.  If I don't plan to move up the corporate rock wall within Teavana, then I should probably stop wasting everyone's time (myself included) and find something worth while.  Time to move on, move forward.  Figure it out.  Hopefully.

I think that's what you've missed.  You should all be in the know now. 

I trust everyone had a spectacular Christmas.  New Year's is coming up, and I hope everyone has a great one.  Also, the blog is turning two in a couple days, if I'm correct.  He'll be saying "no" and running around pulling things off tables in no time.

Take care, lovely talking with you.  Keep in touch.  Newcomers, continue reading the blog.  I plan on not disappointing.  Except for the Velociraptor.  I totally got everyone on that one.  That was just to insure everyone would read this. Ha.


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