Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More Universal Discussions

Currently listening to:                 Elliott Smith.  From a Basement on the Hill.

Remarkable album, really.  About a year ago I finally initiated my Elliott Smith fandom and purchased Roman Candle.  It's pretty bare bones as far as instrumentation, which makes for nice driving music.  The stuff he wrote at the end of his life is probably the best.  If you ever get around to it, listen to this album or Figure 8.  Not that I've been sent here by the record companies to convince you to up the sales of Elliott Smith albums.  That's not what it's about.  It's just fantastic music, and of course Youtube will have all of his songs.  Check it out, jam out.  Realize the sweet sound of Elliott and his heartfelt songwriting.

So it's the middle of the week.  The slow part here, and what that means for you is more random posts about life, the universe, and everything.

What if I had wrote, "...and everyfig"?  Would you have thought, "Geez, can't this guy review his own work to make sure it makes sense?  What a goober!" or would you have thought, "He is going to talk about every single fig.  Remarkable"?

It's been a long weekend, readers, but rewarding in some respects.  On Thursday nights I get together with a group from church to have dinner and Bible study.  It's called Pulse and mainly consists of twenty-something graduates who are now making it as young professionals in the world.  Every so often we get together to do some outreach and this last Saturday we went to a little park off of Locust and 14th to cook and serve breakfast to the homeless who live around there.  Although getting up at 4:30 am to get ready and make it there by 6 is not my favorite thing, seeing people getting loved and fed is well worth it.  We had over a hundred people come to line up and eat the fresh bacon and eggs we grilled right there on little camper grills.  We also cut up some fruit and handed out juice and water.  It's wonderful to see their joy and to know that this is exactly what Christ was doing all those years ago: serving those who are left to the side and forgotten and making them feel they are worth the time and work.

Rest of the weekend consisted of a lot of Teavana.  Which is always a lovely experience.  There I'm serving a different sort of people, people with money with my goal being to help them drop some more money.  Gotta love retail.

We do have some new tea stuff, which I guess is cool.  I'm not going to buy it.  Except for "Slimful Chocolate Decadence" oolong tea.  I hate the name, but the tea is so good.  They should call it, "Mounds Bar Tea".  "Slimful Chocolate Decadence" is a name you give some food product women would eat (No misogynist).  Seriously though, first it has the word, "Slimful".  Already, it's saying, "Hey, you there!  You fat?  Feel fat?  You won't after this!" Next it has chocolate.  We all know that chocolate is catnip for women.  Finally, "Decadence".  That sounds like, "Oooh, your doing something your not supposed to (but enjoying it), but it's okay because we preceded this entire statement with 'Slimful'".   My mom bought cereal last week.  She bought "Special K Granola".  I'm already confused about my masculinity due to the foods I'm eating.

Dear Teavana,
Stop selling to just women on this one and call "Slimful Chocolate Decadence" "Mounds Bar Fun".  Everyone loves fun.  Name someone who does not love fun.  Okay, that person sucks, name someone else.  Good.  Copyright infringement with "Mounds Bar" from Mars Bar company?  Fine.  Call it, "Tropical Chocolate Mountain Race".  See, I threw in race to slip in that, "You won't be fat if you drink this".  Genius.  Take care Tea Lords,

Michael Lee

No more word on the elevators or bathroom stalls.  I let you know as further news breaks.

And I think we're done for the day.  Thanks for coming and hanging out.  See you about the same time next week.

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