Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In A World Filled With Excitement And Danger

Yeah. My life. Filled with such mesmerizing tales like, "Today, I realized I like my coffee black."

No seriously. This is hot off the presses. Completely new information. Even I'm in utter surprise. I mean, for the last three years I've been addicted to tea. Green tea, white tea, black tea, red tea, blue tea (actually its commonly known as Oolong, but look it up. Seriously, it's considered blue tea. There's nothing blue about it, but that's what I read. In a book). But now the system of things is changing. I'm an adult now, so I like my coffee to be symbolic to my current outlook on my life: Dark and bitter.

...haha. I jest.

Sort of.

I had about 3 giant mug fulls of this Kenyan stuff today. I love it. Dark, steaming, burning every cell of my esophagus. Scarring my tongue. Staining my teeth and making my breath smell dingy. That's how it should of been all along. Instead, I've been dumping spoonfuls of sugar and cups of hazelnut or french vanilla cream into my coffee. What a world I have been unwilling to discover.

I'm addicted now. High on my new drug of choice, caffine. We've been friends for a while, but now we're changing things up. Taking out all the sweetness of our reltionship. No more Monster. No soda. Just that raw flavor. The natural taste of the motor oil colored brew.

I would continue, but the coffee has been processed by the kidneys and...well, you know the rest. Coffee and tea...they tend to go straight through.

More exciting news on the way. Keep reading and discussing my blogs at meals. Get the word out about my genius. If nothing else...it makes for good conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Michael. Coffee, black. You're not black...I'm black. Anyway, congratulations you've taken the first step in starting another chapter in your life. You've expanded your taste buds. Next you should try yoga or pilates.
