Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quick Catch-up in My Pajama-jams

Tuesday mornings are pretty slow here at "Revenge of the Living Blog".  And that's why I'm posting.

I spoke to some other people, researched the data, and turns out that owning an Audrey Hepburn fleece blanket would be far too weird even for me.  I should understand that she is no longer with us, and no amount of memorabilia will ever bring her soul back into existence.

Also fellow blog viewers (I do believe you know who you are), I have yet to find a typewriter packaged and addressed to me sitting on my doorstep.  I thought that talking endlessly about it would somehow guilt trip someone into shipping me an old busted typewriter (it must still work though, or else I'm sending it back).  Apparently my sly attempt at getting something free wasn't very sly at all and goes to show that none of you are loyal fans.  Now go read a blog about mexican food or the Obama adminstration.  I'm obviously not topical enough to peak your interest, or subconsciously manipulate you into buying things for me. 

The new job is going very well, although  I've noticed some rather strange things about the building, such as the doors of two of the four stalls in the men's bathroom on the sixth floor remain perpetually closed (clearly transportation units to the Ministry of Magic)  and a few times while riding the elevator, the elevator doors will open on a floor between the sixth and the first and no one is there to board the elevator.  Yesterday the doors opened on the fifth floor.  There were only a few lights and a very dark hallway straight ahead.  Oh, and some sort of large blue recylcing bin.  But there was absolutely no people.  So the doors stood open for a very long time, then slowly shut, and I continued my journey down to the ground floor.  What I'm hitting at here is that, the building is clearly haunted (and a medium for Wizards and Witches to travel).


Sorry, I completely zoned out there and watched four youtube videos.  It's like college all over again.

That's all I have today.  Please, feel free to send questions, comments, and concerns (and typewriters) to canyon.behind.her@gmail.com.  I might get to them (Unless it's the typewriter.  I'll immediately get to that.  But you'll need to ask for my address first).

Have a good Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. have you tried flushing yourself down the toilets yet?
