Monday, September 19, 2011

Never Too Late To Buy Your Favorite Blogger Birthday Gifts

Today I was walking through St. Louis' ever famous "South County Mall" with a dear friend of mine, Kyle Richter.  As we're walking, we pass Spencer's Gifts.  In the window they had a fair selection of fleece blankets, which I'm a big fan of (Which reminds me, winter is on it's merry freaking way and I have to start to prepare for the attack [Dry lips, dry knuckles, involuntary shaking].  Fleece is always a fine thing to have in the armory when winter comes [and flannel]).  As we pass the window I do a double take, noticing a now very familiar face.  Apparently some human being had the brilliant idea of putting Audrey Hepburn's face on a fleece blanket.  I nearly bought it.  Then I thought, "Oh man, am I a weirdo?  I mean, it's not like it's a towel.  And Audrey was a wholesome enough person.  But yet, I do have this very strange obsession with her, wanting ever so much to develop a time machine in order to go back and woo her and fool her into marrying me.  I may even be a weirdo for even thinking this.  I need to seek help".  But I didn't and don't plan to.  I'm comfortable with my fake love relationship with Audrey Hepburn.  For the most part.  Look, don't judge me.  Everybody has got their, "person".  Even you.  You know, that one famous person you've dreamed of being married to, except, mine's been dead for almost twenty years. 

All right.  Maybe a fleece blanket would be a little weird...

BUT...whoever buys me that and a typewriter gets best friend privilages (Yes, my respect is conditional).  I have a birthday in three months.  Plenty of time to buy me, if nothing else, the blanket.  It's going to be a cold winter, and only Audrey's warm, fleecy smile will get me through it. 

Now, with all that said, we can move on to things with more bearing on life.

As I've already stated in a previous post, I will start working (officially) part-time at Chalice Press.  Before I was working in the printer room.  But now I have my own little office!  With a window!  I've never had a window before.  I get to look at birds. 

Now, the office was originally someone else's before I got there, but she's no longer there.  She left as of a year and half ago, but the weird part is, near as I can tell, it has been untouched ever since.  For me, it's a little errie.  It's almost like when a relative dies, and then you go over to the house to visit relatives, and the only room they have for you is the dead realtive's room.  And you have to sleep in it.  And it has been left as is since they passed.  Even the scary porcelain clown doll collection. 

Okay, it's not quite that unnerving.  You're absolutely right.  But still, there is something ever so slightly unnerving about it.  Like, she had to get out of there so fast she didn't have time to take her stuff.  I'd like to know she's in a better place.  And that she won't mind me playing with her thumbtacks.

That's enough for today.  Off to brush teeth and get cozy in my bed.  That could always be cozier (Wink [you know what I mean]).  Happy September 19th to you all.

1 comment:

  1. I already told you I'm getting you a typewriter
