Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let's Close Out July With One More Post.

Since I have squandered this month away, I might as well. This month has been something. Like the famous (Or maybe infamous. Or maybe...nothing at all) month of July from 2007, July 2010 came and went like a demon apparition. To further detail my similie, a demon apparition from Ghost Hunters. It was like a subtle movement of shadow down a long dark corridor. A trick of the light. Perhaps a faint moan eminated from another realm just to reassure the witnesses the spirit was there for a moment, if anything. Or, perhaps it was just cat, slipping past giving a very low meow just before it disappeared. Either way, cat or demon apparition, this month came and left quickly, as if it were never there to begin with.

I have been working at my call center job for about 2 weeks now. I'm looking for the nearest exit though. Any sort of peep hole to tear open and slip through in order to see the light of day again (both figuratively and literally. There's absolutely no windows at my job. Like I'm in a fluorescent cave. Or prison. But I'm pretty sure even prison has windows. Never went to prison, so I couldn't be the authority on that subject.) would be taken advantage of immediately. I would also appreciate it much.

But, C'est la vie. I'm here. Trapped. Bricked in for the time being. No insane travels. Just here, still living with the parents, with a slight trickle of income. Keeping everyone else content with the notion that I'm working.

Our church is having it's annual International Campus Ministry Conference this weekend in Chicago. Very excited about it. I get to leave tomorrow, be gone for four days, and play music. Really, I'm planning to just live in Chicago. Not coming back. Staying there so I can plant my roots away from St. Louis for awhile. It would be an excuse to not go back and work with Spherion at the call center. I don't think I've ever been to this might be first. Very excited about going and not coming back. I'll try to make a few posts while I'm there though. Sort of as an exercise in travel writing.

1 comment:

  1. never been to chicago?! its right there. a short drive! ok...I'm just as guilty. With all my travels I've only been to Chicago once, and only for a few hours. I'm workin on that job thing. Lookin up some good creative writing jobs.
