Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Want To Start A Book Club

Now, this may sound like another one of those whims I so often have. And it kind of is, but let me assure you, I've put some thought into it. I've logged probably a total of ten minutes of thought into it. It's nerdy, and if anything, 45 year old women have book clubs and they read things like Jane Austen, or one of those new female writers who depicts life in such an honest way, what with all the abuse and madness of the world. Then the members eat chocolate, or make cookies, and serve lemonade or ice tea.

I won't have that.

I will have awesome books. None of this Oprah Winfrey stuff. The spectrum of literature I choose will be quite wide. And it will include zombies and space aliens. Along with the more high brow, philosophical gems.

And there will be of course tea. But I'm not talking about old English woman with cakes and biscuits served on a tray with earl grey and milk. We're drinking asian tea, out of pots crafted by the most skilled Chinese or Japanese artisans.

I say all of this, but in the end no one will be willing to join. In the end, it shall be me, alone in my room wearing a kimono, drinking hot sencha, reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, discussing the implications of the word quality, as it pertains to the objective and subjective, with a group of stuffed animals.

But, a man can dream...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Sun Awaits For Our Emergence From Cave Of Gloom.

The first of June has finally arrived. We've rocketed through winter and spring to finally Summer (unofficially according to astronomical(?) standards. But it's freaking warm out there. Plus, bar-b-ques, screaming children, and open pools make it seem as though the season has arrived). A fantastic time of the year. Lot's of great memories. A couple of crappy ones sprinkled in there, but they can be easily dismissed. When summer comes, happy thoughts sprout from my brain. So in other words, I'm feeling good right now and the cloud of gloom that normally casts a shadow on me is beginning to disperse.

One of the greatest God given things (on the long list of things): Tea. I've been sipping double green matcha tea from Republic of Tea this morning. With a little bit of honey, it's quite possibly one of the best tasting beverages.

I'm off the coffee finally. I've stopped brewing three cups a day about a month and a half ago. I still have it from time to time when it's available at a friend's place. Trying to stop my intake of caffine completely, but a soda or a cup of coffee manages to enter my system every so often. If I didn't have friends I would probably be able to go cold turkey. Unfortunately, I know some very hospitable people who like coffee and offer it to their guests. Same goes for soda. Despite all that, even if I end up ceasing my dependence on caffinated products, I don't know what will happen. I may start to tweek out. I'll refuse to eat, and if I do I'll just vomit it back up. I won't be able to sleep at night. I'll just sit in a corner of my room, screaming...

I suppose I also need to comletely stop drinking black tea, if I'm wishing to achieve this goal. That probably won't happen.

I have to wash the cat today.

Well, I don't have to. But I offered. And because she's a stupid animal, and I would love to see her writhe in anguish as I scrub her dandruffed back with medicated shampoo. It's sadistic. But not many of you understand. This cat annoys me, and loves doing it. So, in a way, I'm getting her back while I perform a favor for her (and my dear mother) that she won't ever understand, even in the long run. Why? Because she's a dumb animal. Cats nor any other animal have that sort of perspective. She sleeps all day. She's sleeping right now. I should toss her in a bathtub of water right now and screw up her whole day. But I won't. She looks too cute right now. Freakin' cat.

Her persepective of reality and life itself is small, if existent at all. She sleeps. She gets fed. She goes outside to chase bugs. She poops in a box of scented sand. A very very very small world if you ask me. But you didn't, so I digress.

OR DO I? Look, doesn't anyone ever get mad at their pet? And when I say mad, I don't mean, "Lichtenstien! I can't believe you peed everywhere! My vintage He-man action figure collection is ruined!". No, I mean envious. A burning hatred of the easy going life those animals lead. Look at Annie (figuratively. I know she's not visible to you). She sleeps. Yet, she has all the benefits. She eats for free. She has free room and board. Free medical. Free spa/massage treatment. And she sleeps! And she will have all those benefits for the rest of her life. I sometimes think about putting her back out into the wild. Fend for herself. She'll die, you say? Too bad, she shouldn't have been so freaking lazy. I've tried to train her to be a vicious attack cat but with no avail.

Okay, now I digress. Now I shove that mangy animal underwater.