Monday, May 24, 2010

While Sitting In The Living Room Of My Parent's Home...

Hey friends.

I've decided to give it a shot and attempt at updating this thing more than once a month. Even if I don't really have much to say. Which, right now, I don't. But everybody's got something. If there is one thing show and tell taught me, everybody generally has something to either show or tell. Or both.

Like this scar on my foot from last year when a mysterious lump appeared, which after a few days after it's arrival, I poked it with a pin in the hopes it might be some sort of blister. I washed the pin first too. Didn't do a whole lot, because the lump became a larger, painful, puss filled purple blotch. Surgery happened so my toes wouldn't have to be surgically removed. Or fall off.

That made last year interesting. Along with losing my voice for a month in February and March, getting a good dose of poison ivy on my body, and a nasty ingrown toenail not too long after my foot finally fully healed from surgery.

Last year was interesting. I keep looking back and all the years that came before it. Events filled those years, from the fantastic to the, "I'm glad I'm here and not there" moments. This year, nearly five months, has been the year of "Not a whole lot". That's what I answer when people ask what I've been up to. It's getting to a point where I'm almost as ashamed to make that statement as I would be to make this one: "I'm 23 and I still wet the bed. Profusely".

I really want to say something about myself. I want to do something great, and I've been saying that for months, but with nothing to show. I still don't know what meaningful thing I want to accomplish. My self confidence is in about the same shape as my creativity.

"Aww look at them. They're just sleeping. Their flesh is also deteriorating, but they're just sleeping. They'll wake back up."

We'll see. And hope.

Sometimes when I listen to Dream Theater I can't help but think of MegaMan.

What? Mike, focus. Or go play with your Legos.

They should totally make Lego the movie. But I don't want it to be CGI. I want giant plastic Lego people walking around. Lego people probably have it easy. They lose a limb, all they have to do is pop it back on. Car breaks down, snap on new pieces. They don't need people working in trades. They all know how to build their own houses and cars. And spaceships. Heck, if a five year old could do it, then surely the people of Lego land could make their own homes and vehicles.

My wrist is cramping. I gotta give it a rest.

More blogging to come. So, keep an eye out or something.

1 comment:

  1. I like legos. I wish I still had mine. But that's what happens when you have cousins about 6 years younger than you. Once you stop playing with your toys your parents give them away. And no, 15 years later, as a young adult at his prime of 25 years, I wish I had some lego's to play with.
