Saturday, June 4, 2016

Marriage: Year One.

It's been over a year so it's probably time to update.

Clearly, the biggest event that's happened in the last year was my wedding.  Our wedding.  You're supposed to say things like that, right?  Our this.  Our that.  It's not my life anymore.  It's OUR LIVES.  Our life together.  Something to that effect.

"Our life together" has been great.  I heard so much from "the wise" while walking the road to the altar.  Mostly what I heard is that the first year of marriage is difficult.  Now, I will not say that's a load of crap and completely untrue.  There were certainly some things that were tough.  There were a couple of really good fights. One lasted two days.  Another involved a lot of screaming and yelling in a car on the way back from a wedding, which was eventually resolved in a grocery store parking lot. And of course you have the small skirmishes, the annoyances that really get in there and cause a disturbance.  The kind of things that make one of you huff and puff and roll around and sigh in bed that night, until the other says "What's wrong?" and then the floodgates open.  Of course, it's better to get it all out then, so that you can wake in the morning with resolution, rather than mild anger.  Yet, with all that said, we've had a lot of fun.  We've laughed a lot, watched a lot of TV shows and movies, and made many meals together.  We're pretty much the same as far as cleanliness and housekeeping, so we've never had an open discussion about that.  I thought co-habitation with a woman would be difficult, but honestly it's better my experiences with male roommates.  Overall, I believe we've had a very successful first year of marriage.

So there's that.  I've also moved a couple times.  I moved once into what would be our first apartment together.  After seven months of dealing with the conniving  management company of that place, we moved into a much nicer apartment closer to the city.  Our landlord is a quiet and polite Eastern European gentlemen who drives a Mini Cooper and has a wife and kids.  He's been great, and when we have problems, he (or his brother) are quick to answer.

Abbie has a new job as a sales manager for a an event company.  She finally escaped the hotel industry in late September and started this job in early October.  They own several different restaurants in the same building and have quite a few event spaces.  They have an excellent bar in the basement that's in the style of prohibition era cellar.  A really cool place to get together, have a few drinks, and hangout. So far she is really loving her job.  She loves her co-workers, the owners of the business, and the work she's doing.

As for me, I'm still at the law firm.  I'm coming up on two years there and I'm amazed to no end that I've been there so long.  I wish nothing more than to arrive one morning to see the entire building burned to the ground.  Or at least, find another job. Something that gives me purpose.  Something that I could at least half-way enjoy going to each morning.  What that is, I have no idea.  Writing.  This. I like doing this.  Somebody out there has to be reading this and realizing it's not complete trash.  What do you want?  I'll do it.  I have passion for that, and I have passion to find a new line of work that doesn't involve mounds of tedious paperwork and emails.  Something outside of a collections law firm.  Something meaningful.  You're out there right?  Looking for me maybe?  No, I don't have the eight years of writing experience that you claim to want each time you post a job, but like I said, I have passion.  Trust me, it will definitely mean something.  It will mean a lot. Give me the chance, give me something like this, and I'll be your man.

Enough babble.

I hope you are all well out there.  Keep checking in.  You may never know when I will post something on here.
